
How we do it?

Founded in 2006, Horizon has developed a culture of innovation, quality and service. H : Honesty O : Odyssey R : Reliable I : Innovative Z : Zenith O : Opportune N : Nobel With you, our products are engineered to deliver durability, longevity and value. We go far beyond just providing on-time, quality products to our clients. Horizon is country’s one of the leading 100% export oriented Company pertaining to sweater textile and garments sector. Its present position is the outcome of long journey in the arena of textile business. Horizon considers corporate sustainability as an important edice of its ethics. It gives special importance to all its corporate sustainability activities and compliance issues. It values environmental protection and conservation, and realizes that only by being responsible to nature can we truly be responsible to the people and planet. It considers corporate sustainability as an investment for the future, both for business and nature. dram the product and Horizon produced it for them . Started as Textile Horizon, establishment of a 100% Dying oriented industry in 2003 and gradually captivated own position in export market of Bangladesh. Afterwards abled to establish a number of export oriented large industries in textile sector and continued contribution in the development process of country through earning of valuable foreign currency. Yearly turnover of the group is now more than US$60 million. The group has generated employment opportunities for more than 3000 people. The main criteria of Horizon are to be a “Maximum eciency at no extra cost” partner with all our customers. We do have both the technical and commercial expertise at Horizon, to deal with any query made by our overseas buyers. our byer world.

  • We sell all over the world.
  • Satisfaction or money refund guaranteed.
  • Lifetime updates & support.
  • 24 hours shipping.
  • We provide best tools ever.

Why we do it?

• In this ever-changing world, the importance of globalization to the economic development of business cannot be understated. In order to staying at the forefront of the edge, long term investment in employees, facilities and machines from production lines to packaging is a must. It shows our commitment that together with you for the crucial role to play in the years ahead. As I believe, marvelous things could be happened when combine a little focus, a pool of talented people, and a lot of drive. In our development process, we believe human resource is the most important one. We also have our employees trained regularly; these provide a solid platform for us to enter the international business competition. On behalf of our management team, I'd like to thank you for your interest in Horizon . I'd also like you to know that everyone at HFWL is committed to providing exceptional effort to you in a spirit of effectiveness, on schedule and personal pride as well as both sides will be in win-win situation
