Introduction: Horizon Group management has been expanding it’s 4801w5e45swzsbzwrrtfbusiness despite the global financial crisis of 2009. As China is finding it challenging to make textile/fashion wear items at cheap price, due to rising labor costs, many foreign investors, are coming to Bangladesh to take advantage of the low labor cost. It has some opportunities to increase productivity and quality which will minimize cost and maximize profits. It has proven experience in textile/RMG sector. It has been facing some potential threats which might jeopardize RMG export are price hike of cotton and yarn, labor and political anarchies, growing terrorism and/or false/amplified propaganda as well as poor political culture. Factories should concentrate in producing critical/semi critical products simultaneously with basic products. It should establish backward linkages for different materials, trims and accessories for lowering cost and enjoying price competitiveness and providing products in a shorter lead time.
Under Horizon Group, there is a 100% export oriented knit garment factory consists of yarn dyeing, knitting, fabrics dyeing, printing, embroidery, trading of dyes & chemical, thread making as well sewing units. Sweater has been added with this Group very recently. It has all compliances certifications (Oeko-Tex, ISO, BSCI and Accord) required by the key International buyer’s globally. Management is experienced on working with different markets: Canada, USA, Europe etc.
We have following business units under the Horizon Group:

1. Horizon Fashion Wear Ltd (RMG Prod. unit-1)
2. Textile Horizon Limited (RMG Prod. unit-2)
3. Horizon Lingerie Ltd
4. Shahaba Yarn Dyeing
i. Yarn Dyeing
ii. Fabrics Dyeing
iii. Sweaters unit